God has blessed us this summer! He has given me the energy to prepare and publish three new books that are now available from Amazon.com. Several of you had encouraged me to do this so the books are now available, along with Dean's book, The Yellow Butterfly. My three titles are as follows:
Life is Short So Laugh Often, Live Fully and Love Deeply (178 pages)
Just Get Over It And Move On! The Best Way to Handle Disappointment (188 pages)
Don't Let Go of the Rope! We Need Each Other (168)
Our books are available from Amazon.com for $14.00 plus postage and shipping. Many of you have asked us for an autographed copy so we want to make those available. We can sell them for a little less if you would like to have autographed copies. Our prices are 1 book - $15; 2 books - $25; 3 books - $35; and all 4 books - $45. These prices include postage and shipping. If you order one or more, please make your check out to me, Walter Albritton, and send to me at this address: 289 Leigh Lane, Wetumpka, AL 36093.
If you wish to purchase any for gifts to others, please tell us to whom the books should be autographed and where to ship them.
Thank you for sharing our joy in the publication of these books in which we express our love for Christ and our gratitude for all He has done for us!
This has been an incredible summer. Dean had surgery -- replacement of her right knee. We were rather concerned for her to have major surgery at our age but she felt the Lord assuring her she would be alright. She has done remarkably well in recovery and her rehab, though painful, has been superb. She is walking well for the first time in several years, and we are so thankful.
We hope our friends will enjoy our books and celebrate with us their publication. When you are praying, ask the Lord to tell you someone who might be blessed by one of our books!